Please allow 2-4 days for your application to be processed. Watch your email in case we have any concerns regarding your application. If we cannot contact you via email, your application may be put on hold or denied.
Current Pets: All current animals in the home must be spayed/neutered and up-to-date on vaccinations for your application to be considered. If any pets in the home are not spayed/neutered, STOP HERE . We can only adopt to homes with unaltered pets if there is a medically documented reason for the animal not to be spayed/neutered. You will be asked to provide such documentation.
Renters: You must have permission from your landlord to adopt the species and breed you are applying for. We will be calling to verify this information.
Minors: If you are under 21 and/or living with parents/guardians, please ask them to complete and submit the adoption application. We cannot accept applications from minors.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Do you own or rent your home*
If you rent your home, the following two questions are required. If not completed we won't process and will be denied.
Have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal? Please make sure you ask about any and all restrictions.
Please provide landlord's name and phone number. If you live in a mobile home park, leased or owned, please provide the name and phone number of the office to contact. If this is left blank ( if required}we will not be able to process your app and will be denied.*
In what type of home do you live* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
How long have you lived at your current address? If less then 1 yr. please provide previous address.*
How many people reside in your household, name and ages are required please:*
Does anyone in your family have allergies? Please explain:*
Reference (neighbor if possible, no relatives or roommates please) If left blank, the app will be put on hold #1 Name:*
Reference #1 Phone (No Work Numbers):Please make sure it's a working number*
Reference #1 Call Time:
Reference (friend, no relatives or roommates please) If left blank, the app will be put on hold. #2 Name:*
Reference #2 Phone (No Work Numbers): Please make sure it's a working number*
Reference #2 Call Time:
Reference (friend,non-relative or roommates, please) If left blank, the app will be put on hold. #3 Name:*
Reference #3 Phone (No Work Numbers): Please make sure it's a working number*
Reference #3 Call Time:
Current Job: *
Length of Time at Current Job:*
Which animal are you interested in: You must put the app in for the animal you want. If the animal is not listed, they are not available. DO NOT APPLY ON OTHER ANIMALS YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. you must apply on the animal.* Choose an animal: Benjamin Button Indigo and Copper Kiki Noel Rudy SIMBA Smiley Tinsel Windie Yule
Who will be primary caregiver for the animal?*
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time?*
How would the animal be involved in your day-to-day household activities?*
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day?*
How would you handle the following situations with a newly adopted cat: Marking, Scratching*
Do you understand this animal must be kept inside, excepting transportation?
Have you previously owned any pets?*
If you answered 'yes' to the question above, please list your previous pets name, age and breed in the last year and indicate why they are no longer in the household (ex. deceased, lost):
Have you ever surrendered, sold, or returned a pet? If yes, please explain:*
What reason would you have to return this animal?*
Are there any pets currently living in the home?*
If there are any animals currently in the home, the following four questions are required.
Please give the name, age and breed of your current pets:*
Are all current pets in the home spayed/neutered? (All must be spayed/neutered to be considered!) This is a requirement and will be verified*
Are all current pets up-to-date on vaccines? this is a requirement, we will be contacting the vet for verification*
PLEASE provide your VETERINARIAN'S NAME AND NUMBER. If less than one year, provide info for previous vet. You MUST notify your vet we will be contacting them, as they will not give out information without approval and you will be denied. If your pet is not listed under your name, please provide the name they are listed under.*
Veterinarian Phone Number:If more than one used, please enter all*
If you are not chosen for the adoption of this animal, would you be interested in another?*
Best time for home visit? (Home visits are required.)*
By entering your name and date below, you certify that ALL the information entered on this application is true.*
If applicable, have you provided your landlord's name and phone number?*
Have you provided names, phone numbers, and call times for your three references? this is a requirement and will be put on hold until provided.*
If applicable, have you listed the names, ages, and breeds of all current pets in the household?*
If applicable, have you provided your veterinarian's name and phone number? This is a requirement, *
Do you understand that if ANY of this information is missing or incorrect, your application may be placed on hold or denied?
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this application. If we have any concerns regarding this application, we will contact you via email. You may hear a response from us in as little as 24 hours, so please be watching your email inbox. If you do not see a response within 2 days, please check to be sure it has not gone to your spam or junk mail folder